Automation Modules : Flexlab / 2 Centrifuge Modules / Decapper / Recapper/ Sealer / Storage
Analysers: 3 ADVIA / CEANTAUR / 2 i2000 / 3 AIA 2000LA / 4 LIAISON
Lab manager : Dr.ssa Dorigatti
Contact : Ing. Davide Alessio
Expectations : Consolidation
Routine: 2500 Tubes/day - 4.200.000 Test/year
Installation date: 05/09 July 2004
Project Layout:

Automation modules: Flexlab 3.6 / Stappatore
Analyzers: 3 AIA 2000 / 2 IMMULITE
Lab Manager: Dr.ssa Rovinetti
Contact: Dr.ssa Lodolini
Expectation: Immuno-chemistry consolidation
Routine: 1800 Tubes/day > 900.000 Test/year
Installation: 26-28 June 2005 - Flexlab 3.6 July 2010
Project layout :

Automation modules : Flexlab / RIM / Decapper
Analyzers: 2 AIA 2000 / LIAISON
Lab manager: Dr. Martinotti
Contact: Dr.ssa Lattanzio
Expectations: Immuno Chemistry consolidationRoutine: 450 Tubes/Giorno - 270.000 Test/year
Installation: 26-28 June 2005
Project layout :

Automation modules: Flexlab 3.6 / Centrifuge / Decapper
Analyzers: 2 AIA 2000 / 2 i2000 / 2 LIAISON / RLX
Contact: Dr. Molinari
Expectation: Immuno Chemistry consolidation
Routine: 1800 Tubes/day - 1.000.000 Test/year
Installation: December 2005
Project Layout :

Configuration: Flexlab 3.6® / Centrifuge Module / Decapper
Analyzers: 2 C8000 / i2000 / AIA 1800 / LIAISON
Lab manager: Dr. Sa Florio
Contact: Dr. Scella
Configuration: Automation
Routine: 1800 Tubes/Day - 1.200.000 Test/Year
Installation: 29/30 November 2007
Project layout :
Automation modules: 2 Entry Exit / 1 Exit / 2 Centrifuge / 2 Decapper / 1 Aliquoter / 4 Buffer / 1 Recapper
Analyzers: 2 Vitros 5600 / 1 Vitros 5,1 FS / 2 AIA LA2000
Lab manager: Dr. Giana
Contact: Sig.ra Bianchi
Providers: TOSOH / OCD
Expectation: -
Routine: 1000 Tubes/day- approx. 1.800.000 Test/year
Installation: Go Live Sept. 2010
Project Layout
Automation modules: enGen: 2 Entry Exit / 2 Centrifuge / 1 Decapper / 1 Aliquoter / 2 Buffer / 1 Recapper
Analyzers: 2 Vitros 5600 / 1 AIA LA2000
Lab Manager: Prof. Melzi D'eril
Contact: Dr.ssa Porreca
Providers: OCD / TOSOH
Expectation: -
Routine: 500 Tubes/day - 1.500.000 Test/year
Installation: Go Live 7/11/2011
Project layout:
Automation module: Flexlab 3.6 / 2 Centrifuges / Decapper / Aliquoter / Recapper/ sealer / Storage 9000
Analyzers: 3 AU 680 / AIA 1800 / AIA 2000 / G8 / LIAISON
Lab Manager: Dr.ssa Zanella
Providers: TOSOH / OLIMPUS
Expectation: Consolidation
Routine: 1800 Tubes/day - 3.000.000 Test/year
Installation: March 2010
Project Layout :
Automation modules: Flexlab 3.6 / 2 centrifuge / Decapper / Aliquoter / Recapper / Sealer / Storage
Contact: Dr. Bergamo
Providers: TOSOH / A.P.P.S.
Expectation: Consolidation
Routine: 2700 Tubes/day - 4.200.000 Tests/year
Installation: December 2010 - May 2011
Project Layout :
Automation modules: enGen : 1 Entry Exit / 2 Centrifuge / 1 Decapper / 1 Aliquoter / 2 Buffer
Analyzers: 2 Vitros 5,1 FS / 2 AIA LA2000*
Lab manager: Dr. Gessoni
Contact: Dr.ssa Valverde
Providers: OCD / TOSOH
Expectation: -
Routine: 400 Tubes/day – approx. 1.000.000 Test/year
Installation: Go live Tosoh included Sept. 2010
* : The Architect on the layout has been suppressed before the installation and a Vitros 5600 has replaced the Vitros 5.1 for serology.
Project layout :